The front door looks a little spooky with this foam jack-o-lantern peering out at trick-or-treaters. See the red door - that's a whole other post for some other time. So is the black lock set on the storm door.
And now, the centerpiece of my All Hallow's Eve Extravaganza
Attack of the Maniacal Jack-o-Lantern!
Previously well mannered, this Scary Soul is out of his gourd. He holds a hatchet in his right hand and the severed head of some unsuspecting jack in his left hand. This macabre fellow even wears the rotting head of one of his victims around his neck. The ground is littered with rind, seeds, and pumpkin guts everywhere, and two scared squashes scream into the night, the larger one narrowly missed complete anni-shell-ation but still sustained a huge gash to his head...
Attack of the Maniacal Jack-o-Lantern!
Previously well mannered, this Scary Soul is out of his gourd. He holds a hatchet in his right hand and the severed head of some unsuspecting jack in his left hand. This macabre fellow even wears the rotting head of one of his victims around his neck. The ground is littered with rind, seeds, and pumpkin guts everywhere, and two scared squashes scream into the night, the larger one narrowly missed complete anni-shell-ation but still sustained a huge gash to his head...
Isn't it totally awesome! I did get the ideas for this scene and the Hungry Jack pumpkin from a website called, but isn't imitation the highest form of flattery? So when I was talking to Mrs. Shriver from across the street about my yard, she said, "Oh, someone has already messed up one of your pumpkins." I replied, "no, it's supposed to be like that. See the big pumpkin has a hatchet and he's attacking all the little ones." "Oh, I see now, how nice...." I'm sure she called 911 after going back inside. Wait until she sees what I have planned for Thanksgiving - stuffing strewn all across my yard, a turkey with a machete drops from the oak tree....