Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So.... I just spent 13 minutes composing, reviewing, checking, rewriting, double-checking, and triple-checking a comment I made on a friend's blog post. No wonder I've gotten so slow at posting to this Blog.

We strive for quality work here at Pursuing Pineapple!

(Is anyone buying this plausible excuse?)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Expiration Date?

So....  I recently visited my parents; they finally finished building their new home, and this was my first time to stay with them after they were in the house. Those of you who have built a house know how daunting a task it is, and this really is my mom's labor of love - I think she drove out there three times a day during the seven plus months of construction. Her hard work created a gorgeous home, and I'm a little (okay, a lot) jealous of her kitchen.

She was showing me around, expounding eloquently on storage options, organization techniques, and cabinetry details, when she opened the door to the spices.

Something caught my eye, and I had a "one of these things is not like the other" moments. 

Safeway. Safeway? Natchitoches doesn't have a Safeway.  They've lived there eight years. Wait! Come to think of it, Texarkana (where they lived until moving to Louisiana) hasn't had a Safeway in at least 20 years! And isn't this their third move in the last 20 years? Mom, how long have you had that can of Mustard Seed? Oh, I'm sure I only got it a few years ago...

SELL BY JUL 27 1981.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Impromptu Photo Shoot

So.... I'm going to pretend it hasn't been seven weeks since I've posted - I hope you'll play along too. I'm going to blame it on preparations for the wedding and marriage. He's a little something to whet your appetite for the wedding.

Our friends Donnie and Lori did a great job on some unofficial engagement photos back in November; we once again conned them into taking some more pictures this past Sunday afternoon. We hadn't planned to take any photos, but they had stopped by the house (they helped us carry our loot home from a wedding shower), and someone said, "let's take some right now." So... we did. 

Lori designed our Save the Date Cards, and she will be designing a "married address" card for us as well, but I wanted to stretch my creative muscles, so I "shopped" the following photos - a little heavy handed, but they sure are fun.

- across the street, in front of the neighbor's huge Magnolia tree -

- on the driveway, at the side of the house - 

- on the back patio, overlooking the side yard -