Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tag! You're.... a coincidence

So.... I was graciously "tagged" to participate in a bloggy chain mail thing by Raising Rascals (thanks Amber), where you go to the fourth file of your photos and pick the fourth picture, post it, and then tag more folks. Well, the way my photos are set up is a little more complicated than the instructions (only because my computer does it automatically - I can barely put my socks in the correct dresser drawer). So following Lisa's Little Slice's lead, I picked the fourth (well only) photo from the fourth sub-folder from the fourth folder from 2008, and, oh my gosh, it is actually one of the photos (the bottom one) that I had already planned to use for my next post! Ooohhhhh. Creeeepy. (No, I'm for real. It really happened that way).

Oh, well, here's the story. My friend, MLW, who was featured in my most recent post is also the subject of this one. I'm really not gunning for her; I was looking through an old email file to find someone else's email address, and I came across the email that is described below. After laughing out loud at my own hilarity, I decided a post was in order.

MLW, who lives in the DC area, graciously sent a thoughtful email to a few friends:
From the Washington Post. I just thought it looked yummy, and I wanted to
share it with my baking friends.

Being the smart aleck that I am, I responded in the following manner:
I made brownies last night and thought I'd share the recipe I used.

I promise - No more MLW posts for a while... Thanks for being a good sport.


Alison said...

Now wait a've now got to tag 4 people! ;-) I almost tagged you on mine but didn't know if you'd be on for a while. Funny story by the way.

Amber said...

That is funny!! Glad you played along!

kapjones said...

I am laughing my head off Aaron Ward! I can't believe I found your blog and you on FB all in the same week! I miss your sarcasm and can't wait to read more....